SIMPLE! Spread it wide and loud! Wherever you go, whether you're going to some kitesurf hot spot in Vietnam or a secluded Richard Branson Necker Island. Tell your new kite mates about the movement, let them know what we are doing, encourage them to take part in their region and reach out to us if you also have a lightbulb moment to do something for the oceans with your kitesurfing community. We are always happy to partner, to hear your suggestions and help if there's a need for a piece of advice.
With today's technology, there are so many ways you could spread any message you desire to tell the world.
Here are some tools to get you set up.
Step 1: Download our kitesurf for cleaner oceans image.
Step 2: Open it on any tablet (Smartphone, iPad, Laptop or a desktop computer)
Step 3: Get a mate to record you saying "kitesurf for cleaner oceans" with you holding the image shown on your tablet.
Step 4: Share it on your own social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) and then hashtag us.
#kitesurfforcleaneroceans #fundraising_for_the_ocean #kitesurfinghktomacao #kitesurfing #kiteboarding
#cleaneroceans #theoceancleanup #plasticpollution