The Kitesurfer Innovation Grant is dedicated to supporting and encouraging ocean innovation that meets the UN SDG Goal 14: Life Below Water and also in line with our core value. The grant programme will be overseen and managed by a team of professionals and qualified panel to carefully nominate candidates with a practical and efficient solution to solve environmental problems. Projects that meet our criteria shall be invited to the next round of the screening process.
See some of our potential nominated projects "Innovation Grant Projects" to get an idea. Our collective pool is getting bigger every day. Get the most updated figure on our "Amount of fundraised" page
Apart from financial support, we also provide a platform for innovators like yourself to showcase your talents and ideas. Send us your 1 to 10-page concept summary including the following items.
Summary of your idea (What, who, where and how)
How you intend to market and scale up your idea?
Photos or drawings of your concept.
Let the world know what you're up to. Should it meet our criteria, we shall announce it on our Track Your Impact page as well as our social media.
A practical solution (A marketable Social Innovation & Technology)
Base on sustainability & equity. Related to a marine solution is a plus
Nurture a healthy company culture with good business integrity:
Green Chemistry, Zero Waste, Closed Loop Production, Renewal Energy, Local Living Economies
Currently seeking seed-funding for further development and improvement
E.g. Ideas on the go

Thank you to all our kind sponsors, contributors, supporters and journalists.
We love you to the moon!

While it’s not how much we do that’s important, it doesn’t hurt to keep track of all the great energy and positivity we generate together!